
How to purchase an anti-shoplifting system?


Commonly addressed considerations factors when purchasing an anti – shoplifting systems: 


1.- The number of entries in your store: all entries and doors to your store need to be protected in order to make sure everything item within the store is covered.


2.- The width of doors: shoplifting gates and towers are capable of detecting hard tags and labels within a certain radius. For a large store entry, you may need additional towers for proper coverage and protection. The type of anti-theft tag or label that you are using will determine the distance between towers or antennas at the front of your store. 

3.- Type of merchandise sold: merchandise sold in the store will determine what kind of anti-theft devices you will need. Hard tags and anti-theft labels are the most common type of anti-theft devices sold. Labels are more common for software, CDs, DVDs and other solid products. Anti-theft hard tags are commonly used with clothing and other types of apparel, keepers and spatiality tags are also widely used for the protection of various high value items.


    What are the 3 components included in a shoplifting prevention system?


    1.- Detection Systems commonly referred as Gates, Towers and Antennas.
    3.- Deactivators and Detachers


    Gates, Towers and Antennas

    Gates, Towers and Antennas are all terms referring to the same device. These devices are commonly seen on exits and entrances to department stores and other retailers. They have a built-in transceiver that can detect anti-theft tags and labels attached to the goods. If an anti-theft tag or label has not been deactivated from the merchandise and is taken out of the store, the system will alert the store personnel of the possible theft. Different gates and antennas detect different frequencies. It is important to make sure anti-theft hard tags and labels use the same frequency as your gate or tower.


    Depending of the width of entries and brands, some gates can be used as stand-alone units while others must operate in units of two or more. For a broad range of theft detection, especially for use in large entryways, towers and gates need to be linked together. You can see our entire selection of anti-theft systems at our Detection Systems page.


     Labels and Hard Tags. What is the difference?

    Labels and hard tags are electronic sensors attached to merchandise for theft protection. There are different methods by which a security tag can be attached to an item. The two most popular security tags are Hard tags (1), which are usually attached to apparel and clothing by using a thumbtack-like pin connected to a security hard alarm tag, and Labels or Soft tags (2), which are applied as a stick-on security label to a smooth flat surface on the item.


    While Soft tags can only be used once, hard tags can be reused and may last for decades. Hard tags can be removed with a tag detacher. You can see our entire hard tag selection at our Hard Tag page. 


    Labels (2) work much in the same way as hard tags. They are paper thin, self-adhesive tags used to protect any type of non-metallic, hard goods item such as film, video tapes, books, cosmetics, pharmaceutical items, or security cases for CD (DVD, or cassette) protection. If they are deactivated by customers, they will make a gate or tower system alert store personnel. They need to be deactivated with the use of a Deactivator at the point-of-sale.  For information about the labels we sale, visit our Security Labels page.


    Deactivators and Detachers

    Deactivators and detachers are used at the point of sale to electronically deactivate labels and/or detach reusable hard tags. The Detacher is the mechanism used to remove a hard tag or the pin from a security hard tag. The Deacivator is sold for both AM and RF systems, and it is used to turn off or deactivate labels or soft tags.


    Deactivators and Detachers are commonly used at cash registers. Click here to learn more about our selection of   Deactivators and Detachers


    Special Security Tags

    Specialty Security Tags are similar to the regular hard tags in functionality both due to its structure offer additional benefits for the protection and open display of high value items.


    Spider Wraps consist on a cable and an alarm that provides adjustable security by wrapping the cable around the product package and securing it. The cables are expandable protecting a wide range of merchandise. Spider Wraps are ideal for securing six- sided packages. If a shoplifter attempts to remove the spider wrap, the built-in alarm will sound. In contrast, Cable Locks are ideal for locking together items that do not come in a box or to a secure fixture e.g. bags, camera equipment, skis, bikes and other items. Keepers consist on a protective showcase for your merchandise that allows open viewing of products, while protecting them from theft. Most keepers are available for use either alone, or in combination with either RF Radio Frequency (Checkpoint compatible) or AM Acustomagnetic (Sensormatic compatible) electronic article surveillance systems.


    How to buy appropriate security keepers?

    Buying Keepers can be tricky because they come in a wide range of sizes. When choosing a Keeper, the most important thing will be to select the appropriate size according to the merchandise you want to protect. To determine the Keeper that best meets your needs, take a look at the picture below before measuring your product. Once you have measured the depth, height and width of your product, Contact Us and we will assist you in selecting the keeper that best meets your needs.



    Security Keepers VS Source Tagging – Advantages and Disadvantages.

    Effectiveness and cost are key characteristics that differentiate security keepers from source tagging. Source Tagging is less expensive than Security Keepers whereas Security Keepers provide increased security.


    Source Tagging is very effective when used for plastic packaging but not so much for cardboard. When used with a cardboard packaging for small items the label can be easily removed unless it is placed and hidden within the cardboard itself to increase its effectiveness. When labels are built-in the cardboard packaging, a special deactivator needs to be installed at the point-of-sale. Source Tagging reduces the time between reception and exhibition of merchandise within the store. On the other hand, Security Keepers require additional labor time for in-store tagging but due to the number of different sizes available, keepers can be used to more effectively protect high value merchandise.


    What is Source Tagging and what are its advantages?

    Source Tagging is the process of embedding an EAS label into a product's primary packaging or into the product itself at the point of manufacture instead of at the retail side of the chain. The most common source tags are 58Khz (AM) Acusto Magnetic strips and 8.2MHz (RF) Radio Frequency Labels. Most manufacturers use both when source tagging.


    Source Tagging helps retailers to:

    • Reduce labor costs for in-store tagging and instead allow retailers to allocate their time and energy to serving customers.
    • Reduce stock-outs.
    • Meet “green” initiatives by reducing waste.
    • Achieve superior reliability in detection and deactivation and protect virtually any type of merchandise.
    • Prevent fraudulent returns by checking for live tags.
    • Reduce shrinkage from shoplifting and internal theft by as much as 50%.
    • Increase sales 75% to 100% by taking merchandise out of lock-up.  


    Are you interested in source tagging for your products or retail chain, Contact Us and we will kindly help you exploring this possibility. 


    Who are shoplifters and how do you keep them out of your store?

    There is no easy way to tell apart a shoplifter from a customer but the most efficient way to keep shoplifters away is to have an effective security solution at your store that will make it difficult for the shoplifter to walk away with your merchandise. Customers will not typically pay attention to an EAS system at the front door of your store or to the hard tags attached to the merchandise, but an “amateur” shoplifter will. By making it more difficult for “amateurs” or informed shoplifters to walk out from your store without paying at the point-of-sale and deactivating a tag, you discourage shoplifting and keep them away.


    Why EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance)?

    Shoplifting is a common crime that occurs when someone steals merchandise offered for sale from a retail store and it costs billions of dollars to stores per year. Article Surveillance (EAS) technology offers retailers a solution to combat and prevent shoplifting. A store without an active security system in place is continuously losing profits with no solution in site. At Bullseye Protection we offer a variety of security solutions that range from Electronic Article Surveillance Systems to specialty security solutions to meet the variety of products in the market. Retailers can protect their soft goods like clothing with a range of hard tags and can protect hard good like household items, books, CD (etc) with alternative soft adhesive labels.


    How to test your security system and tags for proper functioning?

    Proper functioning of tags and your security system should be done by placing tags, either hard tags or adhesive tags, in 3 different orientation alternatives (vertical, horizontal and front end). The detection rate for all these tags depends on their orientation relative to the detection loops. Each tag orientation offers a singular detection rate and it is the average of those 3 orientation alternatives what will give us an exact indicator of the proper functioning of the complete security system (antenna and tags).


    Vertical Orientation: almost all security systems detect tags with a vertical orientation with respect to the ground up to 1.70 meters. The system can be tested by placing the tag by your waist and walking out from the store.


    Horizontal Orientation: some systems do not have detection at high or low heights. Shoplifters will typically walk out of the store by placing the stolen merchandise in a handbag, or for smaller items by placing them underneath a hat. The system can be tested by placing the tag on the palm of your hand in a horizontal position, faced- up, and walking out through the antennas.


    Frond-End Orientation: similar to the detection of tags placed horizontally, some security systems do not detect low and high heights for tags placed by their Front-End. To test the system, place the tag next to your body but below your knees or over your shoulders in the front-end position and walk out through the antennas.


    This test is easy to perform and will provide the store owner with additional information on how the security system is working. Contact Us for additional assistance.


    What is a booster bag?

    A booster bag is a hand-made item used to shoplift, typically from retail stores. They have been used by professional shoplifters for several years. The booster bag appears as an ordinary shopping bag, backpack, pocketed garment, or other inconspicuous container whose inside is lined with a foil paper. Any item with a security tag that it is placed inside the booster bag will reduce its detection at the store entrance or else will not be detected at all.


    What can retailers do regarding the use of booster bags by amateur’s shoplifters?

    In most states of the United States, booster bags are considered a burglary tool and possession of them can lead to felony charges. However, they are still used by professional shoplifters. In order to increase security at retailers, and overcome the limitation of traditional EAS systems when booster bags are used, traditional security cameras and guards can be placed at the store. Retailers should implement regular procedures of checking the bags at the store exit, this procedure should reduce significantly the exposure against booster bags.


    Professional installation and false alarming

    Single EAS detector, suitable for a small shop, usually costs several thousand dollars and the disposable tags can cost a matter of cents. More sophisticated systems and tags are also available and are much more expensive, but are also more difficult to get around due to the use of more complex electronics and components. A mayor concern with all security systems is false alarming. In order to prevent this from happening, it is important to choose appropriate and effective security systems and tags, and have them installed at your store by a professional technician. A false alarm consists on the alarms going off when a person passes through the gate without having stolen merchandise. This is most often due to tags on merchandise not being properly deactivated or improper installation of the security system. When many false alarms occur, your attempt to prevent shoplifting fails by not discriminating false and positive alarms, for that reason it is important to have the system installed by a professional technician. Are you experiencing false alarming at your store, please Contact Us and we will be happy to assist you.


    What is a CCTV System?

    Closed-circuit television (CCTV) consists on the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. CCTV is often used for surveillance in areas that may need monitoring such as retailers. When used at retailers, it allows managers to observe the traffic and behavior of customers and employees at the store, even when they are not physically present at the location. Based on the evidence, CCTV systems used alone does not deter crime. A CCTV system is recommended to be used in a comprehensive physical security program. 


    Why a comprehensive security program works best?

    A comprehensive physical security programs is recommended to prevent crime. Shoplifters can range from those that occasionally steal to amateur shoplifters, and when a security product is use alone it can sometimes fail to deter crime. For increase security, it is recommended the use of a comprehensive security solution that will include a combination of security products such as CCTV, EAS and guards, among others. Evidence shows that shoplifters are more opt to still at retailers with no security systems in place than those that do have one or a combination of several of them. Therefore, detection systems and other security solutions do discourage shoplifters and decreases losses due to shoplifting.


    Advantages of open merchandise displays 

    At Bullseye Protection we believe in the benefits of open merchandise displays. Open merchandise displays allow our customers to easily, safely and confidently display high theft merchandise in full view of consumers, maximizing retailers’ sales, and with the added advantage of securing their merchandise. Security Display alarms, Security Keepers, Security Hookshard tagsink tags and security labels are among our security products that allow open merchandise display. Customers can have a real-time experience with the features of products without risking the profit of retailers, and in the contrary, maximizing their sales potential.


    What are security fixtures and how to choose the right one for our store?

    Security fixtures consist on security hooks attached to the wall. Merchandise can be displayed confidently in the secure hooks in full view of customers. There are several levels of protection i.e. anti-sweep, time-delay and locking hooks. The type of security fixture to be used will depend on the merchandise, its packaging and the store style. Security Hooks is part of our secure open merchandise display program, and allows customers to have a real-time experience with the features of products without risking the profit of retailers, and in the contrary, maximizing their sales potential.

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